Hooray our little Ian is finally here! Ian Meeks Rosner joined the family on June 26, 2009 at 2:33 pm. Weighing in at 9 lbs. 11oz. and measuring 21. 5 inches tall, he’s definitely a Rosner! Ian looks just like Davey and has a full head of dark hair (Davey did too at one point but it all fell out and grew back lighter). Labor and delivery went well. I was induced on Thursday night after finding cloudy amniotic fluid in an ultrasound earlier that day. I was already 2 days from the due date and they estimated Ian to weigh 9 lbs. 4oz. so the doctor suggested we go to the hospital. Sure enough during labor when the doctor broke my water it proved that Ian had gone #2 in the fluid. Labor was progressing slowly and I was given Pitocin to get things moving. Within just a few hours it was time for Ian to be born. I labored and delivered without any pain medication. Phew! What an experience that was! Ian had the umbilical cord loosely wrapped around his neck once and had breathed in some of the dirty fluids. He was pretty quickly taken up to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit for respiratory distress. Ian spent the next 4 days there on oxygen, IV fluids and antibiotics. I recovered well and came home on Sunday. Thanks to wonderful nurses and lots of faithful prayers, Ian came home yesterday, healthy as can be.
As for the game winner… We look at all the guesses and have determined Mariah and Enrique to be the winners! We based this on their guessing the closest birthday and size. The prize will be mailed to you (I haven’t decided what to send yet, some sort of gift card). Thanks to everyone for participating, it was lots of fun!
We hope you all are doing well! Take care and much love to you, Allison, Brian, Davey and Ian
My goodness! How do you grow them so big?
Congratulations Allison and Brian! It sounds like it was pretty scary for a few days, but we're glad to hear that Ian is doing well.
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