Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Am I a hypochondriac, or do I just love medical centers?

We've had some adventures this week.
We spent Thursday at Primary Children's Hospital with Emma. She had a hearing test there, and we found out that she has moderate hearing loss. According to the chart they showed us, she has never heard the birds, the rain, or the wind through the trees. A regular conversation sounds like a whisper to her. We were pretty surprised. She'll be getting hearing aids. We decided that when she gets them, we'll throw her a hearing party and let anyone who wants to come bring a sound for her to listen to. I'll keep you updated on the progress of things so you can make plans to come. :)

Friday after school, Aiden wanted to be cool like the big kids, and jumped off the top of the slide at the school playground. His leg was hurt, and he couldn't walk on it. (Thanks to Jim for all the medical advice) We spent Friday night in the ER getting x-rays. Thank heavens, it wasn't broken. And Aiden was actually pretty pleased to meet R2D2's friend (the x-ray machine) He was very brave. But we had to keep him off his feet for 2 days. ----not an easy task for a busy 6 year old. He's fine now.

That's really all the news, but it's been such an unusual week, I have to tell you about the rest of it.
Saturday, Emma came down with a high fever that we couldn't break with a tylenol or motrin, so we ended up spending Sunday Evening in the Insta Care.
Monday, we went to an Ear Nose Throat doctor to follow up on Emma's hearing test.
Tuesday (today) we saw a Doctor about Aiden's ADD testing results. (he seems to have ADD not ADHD)
Wednesday, we will actually get the day off (knock on wood)
Thursday, we see an audiologist for more follow up on Emma's hearing, and go to therapy at Primary Children's Rehab Center. (two separate appointments and two separate places)
Don't even ask how much $$$ we're out in co-pays!
It's not uncommon for us to have 1 or 2 doctor's appointments in a week, but this is ridiculous.
What a week.

1 comment:

elizabeth said...

This is a great blog! I hope you'll consider adding it to the aggregator at Deaf Village (www.deafvillage.com) -- we'd love to have you as part of our community!

I LOVE the idea of a Hearing Party!!!