Sunday, September 7, 2008


Aiden played in his very first soccer game yesterday.  He did a good job at running up and down the field chasing the herd.  I sat down with him before hand and tried to explain things to him.  About trying to kick the ball into the other team's goal and staying in bounds, only using your feet.  Trying to think of terms he would understand, I ended up explaining things in Star Wars terms: The ball is like a jawa.  There are imaginary droids in the goals.  If you kick the jawa (ball) into the other team's droids (net) the jawa takes one of their droids and you get it (a point)  but you don't want the other team to get the jawa in your goal to take your droids......It didn't make a whole lot of sense to me.  But it did to Aiden.  He had fun, and was excited that his team won 6-2 .  Go Blue Dragons!  

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