Sunday, September 16, 2007

Greetings Everybody

Hi Ya'll!!!
It's been awhile since I've posted. I've been going 90 mph all August and was only home 10 days out of the whole month. We went up to Utah for Jane's graduation, I went on a road trip with my friend Liz, we spent a week at Lake Shasta and a few days in Oregon and then went to Iowa to visit Lizzie and Nate. Whew!
I'm so looking forward to the Girl's Weekend and home EVERYONE can come. I missed the outlets last year but I learned my lesson and am excited to go.
Some of the people I invited to participate in this blog didn't go through so, tonight I reinvited Collene and James and Jordan and Darcie and Maribeth. If you know of anyone you think would like to participate, please let me know. It's so fun hearing from you. I don't want anyone left out.
Colin and Robin, that baby is SO cute!!! Congratulations Emma on sitting up by yourself! Happy Birthday to DITTO, MARIAH, BOSTON, CARLYN, CLAYTON and an early Happy Birthday to CLINT AND SARA!!!!!!!!!!! Sara, are you on here? I don't know your email address...
Good September to you all.


A said...

Hi this is Angie, Ryan and I would love to be apart of this. My work e-mail is
So if you would add me that would be cool.

The Roz's said...

Sara doesn't have much access to the internet. I'll find out from her if she would like me to post stuff for her or something.