Monday, October 22, 2007

Fire Update

Hi, Family,

We appreciate your calls, e-mails, thoughts and prayers. The fires continue to rage around San Diego county tonight...The Santa Ana winds that are fueling this conflagration are not expected to die down until Wednesday afternoon. We were fortunate to have a good friend make his way up to our house late today. He reported that although the barn and the outbuilding burned down, our home appeared to be fine. He said it did sustain some heat damage due to the barn's close proximity. All the power is out around our home, with the power poles on the ground. He also said that most of the chapparal had burned around the house so if the fire returns we should still be ok. Most of our neighbors were not so fortunate as many homes around us burned to the ground. We're in Poway tonight, but our old neighborhood is being threatened by fire so we may stay at my office tonight. We'll keep you posted.

Bob & Mel


DeAnn said...

Thanks for the update. We will keep you in our thoughts and prayers

Susan said...

So glad you are okay. We'll definately keep praying for you. Hang in there!