We want to thank everyone for the prayers and support as we awaited the arrival of our little man!
There’s quite a story about Davey’s arrival, I’m sure you are all curious about it (I would be!) I’ll try to make the story short… On Friday the 12th, I was 5 days over due and an ultrasound showed low amniotic fluid levels. The doctor said that things were still fine but it wouldn’t be getting better and that I should probably be induced. So, later that evening we headed to the hospital to get the ball rolling. I was given Pitocin to help dilate the cervix (which was at 1½ cm) and get contractions going.
By Saturday morning I wasn’t progressing much, only about ½ cm every 2 hours or so. The Pitocin levels were raised and the “fun” began. The contractions were long and close together, not allowing much rest in between. They also started to stress out the baby. So they took me off the Pitocin to see what my body would do. My body didn’t continue with the labor so I was given Pitocin again. After about 16 hours of labor and the unbearable contractions without rest, I decided to have an epidural on Sunday afternoon. I was only at 5 cm. With 5 cm to go before pushing, and pushing time on top of that I wouldn’t have made it.
I must say here that Brian was amazing! Labor pain makes you do and think things that you’d never do before. Brian never once flinched at the things he saw and was at my every beck and call. He held me up during standing labor and encouraged me the whole way. I couldn’t have asked for better support!
Within an hour of the epidural I was dilated to 8 cm and it didn’t take much longer to get to 10 cm. It was time to push and did so for almost 4 hours, it was slow going also. At one point the doctor came into the room to check on us and just something about seeing her there really put me into action. A few more good pushes and our little Davey was born! I received an episiotomy and tore a little too! But hey, I gave birth to a 9 lb. 13 oz. perfect little person! We calculated that his head was 11 ¾ cm at birth- 1 ¾ cm bigger that the 10 cm opening. After he was born my nurse said “No wonder it took so long!”
We’ve been home now for a couple days and things are going well. Brian and I are just so in love with Davey, he’s so amazing. We know we are so blessed to have him and are very grateful to have him join our family. He’s nearly 2 feet long at 23 inches. He has my dark hair and Brian’s long body, feet and toes. He’ll probably be taller than me when he’s 10! I love all the little noises he makes. Davey is really mellow and loves to just look around and listen to everything. He has jaundice a little but we don’t have to do any treatments for it. Thank goodness!
We’re going to try to have him blessed on October 28th. My dad and Darcie will be visiting then. I know its short notice but everyone is invited to attend. If anyone is interested in coming, let me know and I’ll give you details. It’s a good time to visit Phoenix, weather here now is beautiful!
The Girl’s Weekend sounds like it will be wonderful. I hope everyone has a great time! Again, thank you everyone for your prayers!
Take care and much love, The Roz’s
Wow! What a story!!! I'm glad that you guys are doing great. He is a definate cutie! It is so much fun to watch the little guys grow!
Oh my goodness Allison! I can't believe what you've been through. You deserve a metal or something! Congratulations! Glad everything is well. We will definately miss you at Girls Weekend, but you've got a pretty good excuse not to come. We love you!
Congratulations, Brian and Allison!
Good job Allison and Brian.
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