Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Girls Weekend!!!

It's almost here! I talked to Karyn yesterday and she said she will post the address in the next day or so. For the taco bar we have the following people signed up for the following things:
Angie-chips & salsa
DeAnn- Meat & seasonings & olives
Janet-lettuce & tomatoes
Karyn-meat & onions
Robin-sour cream
Susan-tortillas & beans
it looks like we are pretty well covered. Bring any dessert/treats that you'd like. I don't know of any plans for breakfast, so perhaps bring a misc. food item or a few bucks to chip in for that. I can't think of anything else as far as food goes.

Recipes: Just type up the recipes you'd like to bring for sharing and make a few copies of it. We'll just set them all out on the counter or something for everyone to grab.

Has anybody heard from anyone in Jim's family?


Melody said...

I called James the other day and he said Patti and Makell and Jen are coming but aren't spending the night. Maybe Jen is, I can't remember. Anyway, I don't think they read this blog so a phone call might work. Also, I will bring pancake stuff and bacon and eggs for breadfast. Anyone want to bring milk and oj?

DeAnn said...

I'll bring the oj. Maybe someone could bring some fresh fruit.

Enrique,Mariah,Boston and Roman said...

Actually my mom, Makell myself and my two kids will be coming but none of us will be spending the night. My mom is still having a lot of back problems and I have work on Saturday. Makell had wanted to stay the night but she had some things going Saturday so I don't know if she got those worked out or night so I guess it is possible that she might be staying. Jen is not sure if she will becoming at all.